Generate Surveys In Seconds With AI

Create better surveys faster with AI. Collect deeper and more actionable insights at scale.

Generate Surveys In Seconds With AI

Create better surveys faster with AI. Collect deeper and more actionable insights at scale.

Create surveys in seconds

Build high quality surveys in seconds with our AI Wizard. Describe your survey objective in free text and our Wizard will create the perfect questions to match it.

create ai surveys

Create surveys in seconds

create ai surveys

Build high quality surveys in seconds with our AI Wizard. Describe your survey objective in free text and our Wizard will create the perfect questions to match it.

Personalize follow-up questions with AI

Go beyond generic survey responses to unlock more actionable insights at scale. Let our AI ask unique, personalized, follow-up questions to every customer.

Personalize follow-up questions with AI

Go beyond generic survey responses to unlock more actionable insights at scale. Let our AI ask unique, personalized, follow-up questions to every customer.

Instant high quality data analysis

Group your surveys’ responses into actionable themes, understand sentiment development over time and uncover the biggest pain points in an instant.

Instant high quality data analysis

Group your surveys’ responses into actionable themes, understand sentiment development over time and uncover the biggest pain points in an instant.

Transform your survey data into actionable insights

Discover actionable insights at a glance, empowering you to build experiences your customers would love.

Transform your survey data into actionable insights

Discover actionable insights at a glance, empowering you to build experiences your customers would love.

GDPR Compliant

We have our own Machine Learning models, on our own European servers. Your data never leaves our servers. As simple as that.

GDPR Compliant

We have our own Machine Learning models, on our own European servers. Your data never leaves our servers. As simple as that.

Watch our 2 minute demo of Magic AI Surveys

Experience How Our AI Generated Survey Works

Frequently asked questions

How is an AI survey different from a regular survey?

Magic AI survey looks and feels just like a regular survey: you can ask the same types of questions and customize it in same way. However, unlike a regular survey, Magic AI survey, is able to understand your customers’ answers in real time and ask personalized follow up questions. This unlocks deeper and more actionable insights.

Is it possible to fine-tune the questions the Magic AI Wizard creates?

Yes! Continue fine-tuning and giving more specific instructions to our Wizard. The Wizard would continue changing and improving the survey until it exactly meets your needs.

Will Magic Survey’s AI get smarter over time?

Yes. Magic Feedback’s unique advantage is that we have built our own AI model. This allows us to ensure continuous improvement of outputs generated over time. Additionally, we continue to leverage the latest technical innovations available, delivering you the best result possible.

How does Magic AI Survey ensure the privacy and security of my data?

We have our own Machine Learning models, on our own European servers. Your data never leaves our servers.

What integrations does Magic AI Surveys support?

Magic AI Surveys integrates with all your essential apps. We integrate with: Zendesk, Google Docs, Intercom, Salesforce and many more. We also offer custom integrations to meet your every need.