Woods Office, a business line in the leading real estate investor Nrep, is on a mission to create office spaces where people are excited to go on Monday mornings. To better understand their potential customers at scale, the Nordic real estate leader has partnered with Magic Feedback.

With the mission of bringing value to the communities in which it operates, it is vital for Woods to understand their customers. This, along with their ambition to move quickly and make swift decisions, meant that the manual analysis of incoming feedback was slowing down the innovation process. What they truly needed was an automated way to obtain real-time, qualitative input from potential customers and analyze it at scale.

Woods partnered with Magic Feedback to improve their feedback collection and analysis process for inbound leads. They implemented an AI form directly on the website to ensure more concrete and actionable insights were collected. This, combined with the Automated AI analysis, allowed Woods to instantly understand their potential customers’ biggest priorities and pain points.

Woods now receives daily insights, automatically analyzed by AI. With those insights “served on a silver platter”, as the Head of Digital Products Mark Petersen, says, the company is able to generate high-impact ideas on how to improve their website.

The results speak for themselves. Around 15-20% of all leads now provide valuable additional information, with the biggest impact being on the website roadmap. As Magic Feedback automatically highlights problems based on incoming feedback, the team identified that the greatest impact came from the early stages of the decision-making process. As a result, they focused on improving findability, leading to a marked increase in website engagement metrics and a 200% boost in their conversion rate.

As Mark shares: “This is really taking some workload off my shoulders…It’s enabled me to make decisions that I wouldn’t have been able to make before, simply because I didn’t have the time to do the analysis.”

He adds: “At the same time, we see that these problems, and their tendency to appear in Magic Feedback, are decreasing as quickly as the metrics are improving. So, it’s really helping us prioritize and triangulate data points, giving us a stronger conviction about what we’re doing and whether it’s actually providing value to the customers.”

Next Steps
Woods plans to use the new Magic Feedback Survey and Email campaign system next. Their goal is to understand what is important to the customers in the office context, how the website is supporting that, and where they can improve further. The fact that all survey feedback will go directly to the Magic Feedback dashboard, which not only gathers data but also provides automatic analysis with AI, was a significant factor in their decision to continue expanding their partnership with Magic Feedback.