Analyze all your feedback with AI

Turn all your feedback into actionable insights with AI analysis. Try for free with your own data.

customer feedback ai analysis

Connect all your existing feedback sources

Collect all your feedback in one place. We support more than 350 integrations.

Connect all your existing feedback sources

customer feedback ai analysis

Collect all your feedback in one place. We support more than 350 integrations.

Instant AI Feedback Analysis

Automate your feedback analysis. Save hundreds of hours manually analyzing feedback.

Instant AI Feedback Analysis

Automate your feedback analysis. Save hundreds of hours manually analyzing feedback.

Transform your feedback into actionable insights

Uncover deeper, actionable insights at your fingertips. So you and your team can focus on creating experiences your customers would love.

Transform your feedback into actionable insights

Uncover deeper, actionable insights at your fingertips. So you and your team can focus on creating experiences your customers would love.

GDPR Compliant

We have our own Machine Learning models, on our own European servers. Your data never leaves our servers. As simple as that.

GDPR Compliant

We have our own Machine Learning models, on our own European servers. Your data never leaves our servers. As simple as that.

Experience the power of our AI analysis with your own feedback

Frequently asked questions

What is the advantage of AI powered feedback analysis over manual one?

The advantage of using an AI solution is that it instantly, accurately and automatically analyzes all your data. It allows you at a glance to understand your customers’ biggest pain points. All of this at any scale and volume.

Is it possible to customize the AI analysis?

Our AI analysis is fully customisable to ensure the correct categories and taxonomy for your business context.

Will Magic Analysis AI get smarter over time?

Yes. Magic Feedback’s unique advantage is that we have built our own AI model. This allows us to ensure continuous improvement of outputs generated over time. Additionally, we continue to leverage the latest technical innovations available, to help you get the best results possible.

How does Magic AI analysis ensure the privacy?

We have our own ML models, on our own European servers. Your data never leaves our servers. Simple as that.

What integrations does Magic AI Analysis support?

Magic AI Analysis integrates with all your essential apps. We integrate with most of the popular apps out there, such as Intercom, Zendesk, HubSpot, Google Forms, and many more. We also offer custom integrations to fit your specific needs.

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